Spay & Neuter FAQs

Spaying and neutering are essential surgeries that benefit both your pet's health and the overall pet population. Ambassador Animal Hospital's veterinarians in Columbia, SC, are here to answer your frequently asked questions about these procedures.

How do spaying and neutering benefit my pet?

Spaying and neutering offer numerous advantages!

Females: Prevents life-threatening uterine infections, reduces mammary cancer risk, eliminates heat cycles and associated behaviors, and lessens the urge to roam.

Males: Lowers the risk of prostate problems, prevents testicular cancer, reduces roaming and marking territory indoors with urine.

What does spaying involve?

Spaying is a surgical procedure that removes a female pet's reproductive organs, typically the ovaries and uterus. This prevents your pet from becoming pregnant.

What does neutering involve?

Neutering is a surgical procedure that removes a male pet's testicles. This renders the pet sterile and eliminates the urge to mate.

When is the right time to spay or neuter my pet?

The ideal timing can vary depending on your pet's breed and health. Our veterinarians can provide specific recommendations. Generally, spaying or neutering can be performed on:

Puppies: Around 6 months old.

Kittens: Around 8 weeks old.

How long does it take my pet to recover from spaying or neutering?

Spaying and neutering are routine surgeries with a high success rate. Your pet will need some recovery time. Our team will provide detailed post-operative care instructions, but here are some general tips:

Create a quiet and comfortable recovery space for your pet.

Ensure your pet wears the Elizabethan collar (E-collar) as instructed.

Limit your pet's activity level for a few weeks.

Contact a Veterinarian in Columbia, SC

Absolutely! Ambassador Animal Hospital is dedicated to your pet's health and well-being. Call us at (803) 787-3840 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian near you.


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