How to Prepare Your Pet for Surgery

Whether your pet has a decayed tooth or a broken bone, he or she may need surgery. At Ambassador Animal Hospital in Columbia, SC, we perform various procedures, such as spaying and neutering, dental surgery, and mass removals, to improve your furry friend’s overall health. Before visiting us, learn how to prepare your pet for surgery below:

Consultation and Examination

It’s important to schedule a consultation and examination with our veterinarians prior to the surgery date. This appointment allows us assess your pet's current health status and determine if any additional tests or precautions are necessary. Follow any pre-surgery fasting instructions provided by your vets to reduce the risk of complications during anesthesia.

Follow Pre-Surgery Instructions

We will offer specific instructions to follow before the surgery. This may include withholding food and water for a specified period, typically overnight, to ensure your pet's stomach is empty before anesthesia. Adhering strictly to these guidelines helps minimize the risk of anesthesia-related complications and ensures a smoother recovery process for your pet.

Provide Comfort and Reassurance

On the day of surgery, create a comfortable and quiet space for your cat or dog at home. Keep him or her away from any stressful stimuli and use familiar bedding or items that offer comfort. Providing reassurance and remaining calm can help alleviate your pet's anxiety before leaving for the hospital.

Post-Surgery Care

Discuss post-surgery care instructions with our veterinarians ahead of time. Understand any medications that need to be administered, as well as any activity restrictions or special dietary requirements during the recovery period. Having these details prepared ensures you can provide the necessary care as soon as your pet returns home.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

After surgery, closely monitor your pet's recovery and follow any scheduled follow-up appointments with our vets. Look out for signs of discomfort, abnormal behavior, or complications, and contact us promptly if you have any concerns. Our veterinarians are here to provide guidance and support throughout the recovery process.

Contact Ambassador Animal Hospital for an Appointment Today

For more information on preparing your pet for surgery or to schedule a consultation, contact Ambassador Animal Hospital in Columbia, SC, today. Our compassionate staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality care for your pet's needs. Call us at (803) 787-3840 or visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can assist you and your furry friend. When you’re seeking a veterinarian near me, we are happy to help!


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8:00 am-6:00 pm


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9:00 am-12:00 pm

