Pet Arthritis in the winter: How to prevent pain

Pet Arthritis in the Winter: How to Prevent Pain

Arthritis can happen at any age and to both humans and pets. Unfortunately, wintertime can make the symptoms worse due to the change in weather. In this guide, our team at Ambassador Animal Hospital in Columbia, SC, shares just a few tips to help you prevent pain in your pet this winter. A vet near you at our animal hospital is here to help.

Bring Him Indoors

When the temperature drops to really low levels, it’s time to bring outdoor pets inside. This may not be what you want to do permanently but leaving them outdoors can aggravate their symptoms and lead to a lot of suffering. If you have indoor pets with pet arthritis, limit their time outside.

Keep His Sleep Space Warm

One potentially important key to pain management is ensuring your pet has a warm space to rest and sleep. Keep his bed away from drafty doors and windows. Add an extra blanket or two. Or consider a heated blanket or bed.

Keep Him Moving

Joints become stiffer and more painful when they aren’t used. Additionally, extra weight puts unnecessary pressure on the joints, which can lead to more pain. Low-impact exercise can be great for both preventative care and pain management.

Visit Your Vet

A vet near you can play an important role in both preventative care and pain management for pet arthritis. In addition to prescribing medication when necessary, vets offer various techniques that can help reduce joint pain. Additionally, your vet can provide more tips and recommendations, according to your pet’s specific needs.

Get Preventative Care and Pain Management from a Vet Near You for Pet Arthritis

If your pet suffers from arthritis, our team at Ambassador Animal Hospital in Columbia, SC, is here to help. Call (803) 787-3840 to schedule an appointment for a vet near you at our animal hospital.


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